Monday, March 16, 2020

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

This Space Intentionally Left Blank This past Thursday, a woman near and dear to my heart, my Aunt Mickey, left this world unexpectedly. As her son, my cousin Michael, wrote the night she died, â€Å"There is a massive hole in the universe tonight – and its name is Maxine Lois Simon Unger.† In thinking how to honor the memory of a woman who, despite how much she loved me, refused to subscribe to my blog, I thought what could be more befitting than a [mostly] blank entry. Aunt Mickey, I won’t be forwarding my blog to you this week. But perhaps, from wherever you are, you’ll know this one is for you. All my love, Brandy Category:Life and LeadershipBy Brenda BernsteinMarch 28, 2016